In the year 1837, Wells County was created with an estimated area of 370sq mi and was named after William A. Wells, a Native American and a War Hero of the county. Over 27.6K people with a racial makeup including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others reside here along with 10.4K households and 7.6K families. Bluffton is the county seat of the county.
The Wells County records archive now becomes a considerable resource of a large collection of information related to birth and marital status, birth certificate and marriage volume numbers, death and obituary news, naturalization and immigration facts with census index along with interesting clues on adoption and adoptee details including guardianship and inheritance particulars, military service achievements with grade and entity specifics, war heroes and their deeds in the World War I&II and American civil wars, land and property assessment activities, civil court accounts as well as probates and liens and so on where people can find their vital, genealogical as well as public statistics quickly and easily like never before!